About Us
Fairleigh Kindergarten was founded on the veranda of a Rossall Street home in 1915. Shifting around the corner to Holmwood Road a few years later, it ran as a preparatory school before moving again in 1929 to 27a Garden Road – the same site it stands today.
It was in those early days that a progressive group of parents banded together to form the Fairleigh Preschool and Community Centre. Later purchasing the Garden Road property, they became an incorporated, not-for-profit society that owned and administered the kindergarten. Decades on, this is still how we operate.
Every parent or caregiver becomes a valued member of our society, and we annually elect our governing board from this dedicated pool.
A Place to Learn and Grow
He waahi ako me te tipu
We believe that helping our children develop a strong sense of belonging will enhance their confidence and independence, encouraging them to grow to their full potential. It’s our experience that children learn best through play, so we’ve created an environment that allows them to explore, challenge themselves and show curiosity. Allowing them to choose their own learning experiences also empowers them to develop a feeling of responsibility. Balancing this play-based learning with a considered mix of independent and group activities, our teachers are able to observe and recognise each child’s learning style. Building on these unique strengths and interests, we can promote positive and intentional learning outcomes and develop engaged learners – healthy in mind, body and spirit.
We honour the ECE curriculum Te Whāriki, which supports a culturally responsive programme that forms the foundation for lifelong learning. The Wairua (spirit) of the kindergarten promotes a calm, inclusive environment, and we support our tamariki, kaiako and whānau with a sense of Manaakitanga (respect and kindness for others) to develop a culture of compassion.
As a not-for-profit community kindergarten, these strong connections with our parents and whānau are essential, and we value any input and feedback.
It’s been over 100 years since Fairleigh was founded on that old veranda stoop, and we’re still here – dedicated to our community and our children.